I have plenty of different products to use, I have several styles of journals, I have Moleskine's, a Global Art's Watercolor Hand-Book (9x12), a Dylusions Journal, a 9x12 Strathmore Visual Journal with 140lb. & 90lb. Watercolor, and a few altered books. (which I had no clue what I was doing, so they are fragile) I also have a few basic style sketchbooks. I have been collecting stamps, stencils, sprays, acrylics, water soluble crayons and pencils, glues, loads of ephemera, and more. I have spent endless hours on the internet perusing blogs, google, pinterest, and YouTube watching tutorial after tutorial trying to get past the blank page.
I have ideas swimming in my head, but then I face that blank page and my ideas get lost between my brain and my hand. Now I have managed some journal pages in the past year. More often than not I hit that roadblock and have no idea how to accomplish my thoughts.
There are quite a few talented folks who choose to share their artistic gifts with the rest of us. They are not only talented but are inspiring. One such artist by the name of Julie Fei-Fan Balzer of balzerdesigns.typepad.com, like many other artists, offers online classes. One in particular called "30 days in you Journal", has been so helpful in getting past the blank page.
Julie shows how you can create a beautiful page in 10 minutes or less everyday. She breaks down her thought process, gives you substitute products if you don't have the product she's using, she takes you step by step.
I have started a 30 day journal, I'm taking her tips and creating my own style. Or trying anyway. Julie has also made taking an online class fun and easy. Something I'll definitely do again.
So I'm going to be brave and share what I have done so far. With any luck I'll get busy with other products and projects to share as well. Have a great holiday weekend.