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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A MIRACLE for Jack

A few weeks ago I wrote about a young man named Jack. I asked you all to include him in your prayers, to ask your Bible groups, prayer groups and your churches to keep Jack and his family in your prayers so that Jack could make a speedy recovery. 
Well I'd thought you would like to have an update on Jack. The next couple of paragraphs are pasted and copied from

MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012

A Miracle for Jack and a thanksgiving novena

Praise God from Whom All Blessings flow !!!

Today, Jack and his family got miraculous news: the results of Jack's June 15th PET scan.  His doctors told him that there is no evidence of any cancer in any part of his body which can be detected by a PET Scan.  What is left to be tested is Jack's bone marrow, to see if there is any cancer remaining there.  We (Jack and his family) consider the disappearance of the cancer to be a miracle !!!  

Jack was diagnosed with cancer in early April.  It was found in several areas and organs of his body.   Today, after having undergone three CURE treatments, he is free of cancer in all parts of the body in which cancer can be detected with the PET Scan test.  How can it be anything other than a miracle.  We know, through our faith in the Risen Jesus and our trust in His Divine Mercy, that the answer is it cannot be anything other than a miracle.  We offer our prayers of thanksgiving to Our Lord, and the Saints who have been interceding for us.  And to all of you who have been praying for Jack's healing.

We (Jack and his family) consider the disappearance of the cancer to be a miracle !!!  
Jack was diagnosed with cancer in early April.  It was found in several areas and organs of his body.   
Today, after having undergone three CURE treatments, he is free of cancer in all parts of the body in which

Last weekend, Jack and his friend

What is ahead:  It's not being called remission, yet.  The doctors still need to test Jack's bone marrow, and want to wait until July to do that.  In the meantime, Jack will continue with his 8-cycle CURE treatment plan.  This morning, he went into the hospital to begin CURE treatment #4 for four days.  And those drugs are gonna kick that cancer out before it ever tries to get back in!!  

Jack today starting his 4th CURE treatment, after hearing the good news of the PET Scan

When Jack goes in for the fifth cycle in July, he will have the bone marrow test, and we'll pray a special novena for a good result on that test!!  If the bone marrow test comes out clean, Jack will undergo three more CURE treatment cycles after that to be sure that the last vestige of that ugly cancer is gone from his body.  

Jack and his sister home for Father's Day 

The doctors did say they have indeed seen (((miraculous))) results such as Jack's -- so the docs would likely not call Jack's PET Scan result a miracle.  But that's quite alright.  We know that God works in situations and through people, and in response to prayers, in ways that we could never contemplate.   And we trust in The Great Physician and His Divine Mercy.   We believe that the result today was in God's hands, all along.  And that Jack remains in God's hands. 

So, for this next novena, I ask that you pray with me and Jack and his family and all of us together in thanksgiving for this miracle of Jack's cancer-free PET Scan result.  The novena is below and also on my right sidebar.  PLEASE join us in our novena prayer of thanksgiving attached, once daily beginning today for the next nine days.   Sorry this post is so late tonight.  If you don't read it until tomorrow, you can begin tomorrow and just pray through June 27 instead of June 26.  

My request for your generosity of prayers is not over yet.  Jack relies on all of your continued prayers to see him through to the day he is cancer free !!!!!   Let's join together and sing:

Enter His gates with thanksgiving   
And His courts with praise!  
Give thanks to him, bless His name!  
For the Lord is good;  His steadfast love endures forever,  
And His faithfulness, to all generations.   
Psalm 100
Novena In Gratitude for God's Blessings and Answered Prayers  June 18-June 26
O Lord and Vivifier, Your grace has achieved for us all that You had spoken and promised. Grant us access to the place of Your peace. For You are our Vivifier, You are our Consoler, You are our life Remedy, You are our Standard of victory. Blessed are we, O Lord, because we have known You! Blessed are we, because we have believed in You! Blessed are we, because we bear Your wounds and the sign of Your blood on our countenances! Blessed are we, because You are our great hope! Blessed are we, because You are our God forever!  Lord, I give You thanks for dying on the cross for our sins.
O God, our Great Physician, Dear Divine mercy, and Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we offer praise and thanksgiving to You for favors granted and prayers answered, especially those obtained through the intercessions of St. Peregrine, St. Jude, Blessed John Paul II, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary who have faithfully and generously brought our petitions before You; for Your healing hand on your servant, Jack.  He has had a very good PET scan result and his doctors have said there is no evidence of any cancer in any part of his body which can be detected by the PET Scan.  We know this result is solely due to You and your gracious granting of the petitions of all those who prayed for Jack’s healing and recovery.  We praise You and glorify You for your miracle.  We know that a good bone marrow biopsy for Jack will require another miracle from You, Lord, and we continue to pray that Jack will have a good bone marrow test result, and he will be in remission and eventually be fully cured of the cancer that has invaded his body.  We ask You to keep Your healing hand on Jack and bring him through these treatments with minimal side effects and allow him the blessing of more answered prayers for a good bone marrow test.  Please help Jack and all of us continually to see the workings of Your grace and blessing in his life and all of our lives, and to strive always to live by the example of your Son, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints of heaven, especially those for whose intercession we have prayed.  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
I think I can speak for us all when I our God is AMAZING!!!! It is a huge testament to the power of PRAYER, and having FAITH in GOD. Please stop by lovemylittleflower and extend good wishes to Jack and his family. 
Hoping this finds you and yours well.

God Bless,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Being the wiser....


Wow as usual I find the time is flying by. My mom told me after 25 time becomes a blurr. Mom's are wise. How is it growing up we thought we were the wiser, HA!! I wasn't so smart back then, but shhhh, don't tell my younger self that, she might just start an argument about how smart she really is. I sure wish I had my smarter younger self who knew it all to help the older wiser me who is realizing how much I really don't know at this moment.
For instance, I started this blog 4 months or so ago, or at least got more serious about it, I set out to share my life, and that of my family life. To share my love of homeschooling, crafting, and whatever the hot topic of the moment is. I set out in hopes to write and to inspire others or even inspire just one person if that happens to be the case. My wise mom also said not everyone may care for what you have to say, but if you reach one person you're blessed. Now my younger self could have whipped up one fun topic after another. I thought that girl would be around forever. Parts of her are still burning inside.
I have been trying so hard for the last few months to make a blog button for my blog, I so want to grow mt blog, to be a part of this beautiful community of moms reaching out to other moms, to inspire them, to share wonderful homeschool worksheets, and curriculum tips, great recipes, and so on. I am struggling trying to figure how to have a user friendly blog. I want to be that wise mom, I want to be the wise mom amongst other wise women, sharing useful information, making a difference in the lives of others.
Since I started blogging I have come to admire many wonderful, funny, bright, smart, intelligent women. The older wiser me wants to be that woman, the one admired for her useful tips, her great curriculum tips, her free printables. I'm getting too far ahead, I still need to figure out a blog button. I even found easy step by step instructions on, which might I add, is a wonderfully informative blog, with a homeschooling mom whose homeschool has an amazing mission in which they live by, I was very impressed. Anyway, even with these instructions I still find myself techno challenged.
Where is the cocky know it all younger me when I need her???? I think she is still at a Stevie Ray Vaughn music Festival. Oh well, hopefully I'll get this whole blogging thing down eventually. The older wiser me can only hope, because without hope what is the point?

God Bless,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Prayers for Jack(

I follow a blog called "My Little Flower" @ "My Little Flower" is related to St. Therese of Lisieux. St. Therese went to great lengths to join the Carmelites and serve God. St.Therese had a great and selfless love for our Heavenly Father. She even on a pilmigrage to Rome had an audience with Pope Leo XIII and implored him to allow her to enter the Carmelites. She was only 15. All she wanted was to serve God. Therese ultimately got what she wanted and was allowed enterance into the Carmelites. She had her "little ways" in which she showed her love for God. This is how she became known as "the little flower". With that very brief description of St. Therese, and not as detailed as I would like, but I needed for there to be a bit of backround. 
So the blog "lovemylittleflower" is written by a women who like me shares a great love for St. Therese of Lisieux. She and her family are also coming together in love and prayer for their family memeber Jack who is suffering from Lymphoma. So I have copied and am going to paste the Novena that has been put on the Little Flower Blog. I do not know this family, but I myself am a survivor of Lymph Cancer. I know what this young man Jack is facing and the struggles of the treatments which can be very painful and leave you feeling very ill. So I ask that for anyone who reads this post to please share with everyone you know. I ask that we all pray for Jack and his recovery. Please ask your prayer groups, your churches to include this young man in your prayers, and so many others like him who are battling life threatening illness's. Thank you to all for helping pray for this young man.


My nephew Jack needs your prayers


Please join me in praying for a cure for cancer for my nephew Jack
Novena Prayer to Jesus, the Great Physician, for Jack’s healingJune 9 - June 17
Dear God, the Great Physician, Lord of Mercy and Father of Comfort,

You alone are the One we turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. You alone are the Great Physician, the healer of all sickness. We ask you to be with your servant Jack, in his illness. Psalm 107 tells us that you send out your Word and heal. So then, please send your healing Word to our Jack. In the name of Jesus, drive out all infirmity and sickness from his body.

Dear Lord, we ask you to turn Jack’s weakness into renewing strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May your servant Jack trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of his suffering. Let him be filled with patience and joy in your presence as he waits for your healing touch which we pray daily You will give him.

Please restore our Jack to full health, dear Father. Eradicate the cancer from his body, and renew his body and mind and soul for Your purposes here on Earth.

Remove all fear and doubt from Jack’s heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, the Great Physician, be glorified through his life. As you heal and renew your servant, Jack, Lord, may he bless and praise you. All of this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

“Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, his mercy endures forever!” Psalm 107:1
“By His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

God Bless,

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Fork in the Road

        Hi folks, how are you doing on this fine day? Today the sun is shining,the birds are singing, and I am grinning ear to ear. My son Jacob will Graduate from High School tomorrow. Now for any parent who is in my shoes whether it is their first child getting ready to take the first step in their journey toward being an independent young adult, or they like me, have experienced the overwhelming sadness and joy of watching their child walk toward toward the "Fork in the Road". 
        Now the emotions of sadness, this emotion is seeing your child, that seems like only yesterday, just started on his/her path of education. The path of knowing how to gain a knowledge of Math so he/she may be able to get a job and know how to properly use his/her money. The path of English and Vocabulary, so that he/she may be able to speak properly in an interview for getting into the college of their choice, or that first job, so they can properly articulate their wants, their goals. The path of Reading, Penmenship, and Grammar, so that they may understand an application and be able to write the answer in proper sentences and have it be legible to those who have to read what they wrote. Lastly, and foremost, the path to God. Without taking this path do I think could any of the other paths have been accomplished. For it is with God all things can be accomplished. 
        The Joy is seeing your child having worked hard, studied hard, and prayed hard, and to have overcome the many hurdles to reach their goals and dreams, to say " I Did It" !!!!!! To put on that Cap & Gown and walk away from their childhood toward the "Fork in the Road" as a young adult. 
        Now some students will go on to University, some will start out at Community College first, some may join the Service, some may go to Technical School, or some may choose to go to a School of Theology, the "Forks" are many. Regardless of which "Fork" our Sons or Daughters may choose, we need to reiterate that, as long as they continue to carry God in their heart, in their thoughts and in their actions, God will protect them, God will support them, God will never abandon them. 
        So again, it is with great sadness that they are no longer a child, but it is with great joy they have grown into fine young adults that we proudly see our children now choose for themselves their "Fork in the Road". 
        I am so very PROUD of my son. I'm proud of all the Sons and Daughters who are Graduating. God Speed to all.

1 Peter 2: 9-10
“But you are a chosen people. You are priests to your king. You are a holy nation. You are God’s very own people. All this is so that you will tell how good he is. He called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
At one time you were not God’s people. But now you are God’s people. At one time you did not know God’s kindness. Now you do.
My son Jacob, we are so very proud of the young man you have become. Choose your fork wisely, Keep God in your heart and you will do great things.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Another Great Day

    Well today was another great day  for Gidget. She had a Feis right here in Charlotte. It was hosted by Walsh Kelly, another Irish Dance school in Charlotte,NC. Now she has been working really really hard the past few months to get her 1st place to qualify for Oireachtas, (pronounced Ore-rock-tus). She has accomplished that goal and then some. Last week in Ohio she ended up with two 1st places, one in her Hornpipe and one in her Traditional Set; Blackbird. Today she danced amazing and got 3 1st places. Again in both her Hornpipe and Trad Set, and in her Treble Jig. That is a huge accomplishment. It has moved her up in levels to get her one step closer to becoming a Champion dancer. Now she still a ways off from that, but she is definitely a bit closer now than she was. I haven't seen her look so happy as I saw her today. Her dad and I are so very proud of her. She also got a 2nd, 3rd and 4th place as well today. So today was a great day. I hope that she can continue to do well and achieve her goals. For now though we will relish this moment with her. We are so proud of her!!!!!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Back from Ohio

   Well we have returned from our big bus trip with Gidget's dance school. We left Friday morning and returned home last night. What a great time we had. Now the dance school did this trip last year for the first time, due to the huge success of the first trip they did it again this year.
   What made driving 8 hours on a bus worth taking this trip is the back to back Feis's in Ohio. Saturday we did a Feis in Akron and Sunday in Cleveland. Back to back Feis's don't happen often, and though tiring it is awesome for the dancers. 
   The Feis's were way bigger than any we have ever attended before. 2000 dancers in them. The biggest we ever attended had 940 dancers. It was soooo intimidating to Gidget, but she ended up FINALLY getting a 1st place not just one 1st place but 2 of them. I can't even begin to tell how excited she was. She has been working so hard, and it was an awesome feeling as a mom to see her hard work pay off. 
   Now Saturday, which started at getting up at 6:15 am,  she had the first of the 2 Feis's in Akron. This was the bigger of the two Feis's, she placed in 3 dances, but not as well as she hoped for. What a long day though. The Feis was on this fairground in an arena used for Rodeo's and animal competitions. (it also sorta smelled like there was recently animals in there.) It was almost 90 degree's that day, and in a big ole' wig and a velvet dress and tights, Gidget was more miserable than I was if ya can believe that. She also had the very last dance of a very long day. At the end of it all on Saturday she walked away with a 3rd, 4th and 5th place. We went back to our hotel, she went to the pool with one of her friends, I ordered pizza, we then ate and crashed by 10pm.
   Sunday, up at 5:45 we headed to Cleveland or day 2 of a very long day. I have to say that there were much better conditions for this Feis. It was at the Wolstein Center, which was air conditioned. So both Gidget's mood and mine were so much better. We met some really nice people at this Feis as well. I'm sure that there were lots of nice people at Akron, we just didn't meet them. Now once Gidget was finished with all of her dances, she got changed and we went and checked out the vendors until scores went up. Once her scores finally started going up she was getting so dicouraged because she wasn't placing. This was rather frustrating because she danced amazing and had been working so hard to get ready for this weekend, and she has placed in all her dances at every competition for the last year. Then like a miracle, the last scores, 2 - 1st places. These were especially meaningful because not only did it move her up a level, they qualified her to be able to compete at Regional's. This year Regional's is taking place in New Orleans. (I'm fraking out about it though because I have no idea how we are going to be able to afford it, but I believe God will provide) After the intial excitement of the 1st places and hunting her teachers down to tell them, we watched the Champion dancers and their award ceremonies. Then we were back on the bus to go to dinner, It is now 6:30 pm.
    We went to this Irish Pub called PJ McGintry's. What an awesome time we had. They had eaten here on the trip last year, and the owner had invited our school back for this year. The owner and his wife are coming to Charlotte in October when our school has it's Feis. We had a buffet set up for us, we ate and then we had a talent show, and there was no Irish dancing allowed. So it was a rip roaring time. We laughed until we cried. After a few hours of fun we headed back to the Hotel. We got back and packed to leave at 8:30 am promptly, it was 11:30 when we got back, it was 12:30 by the time we went to bed.
    Our bus arrived back in town at 5:30 or so pm. We had so much fun, it was a really long tiring weekend, but it was worth it and we can't wait until next year.

Getting her hair up for her wig. It's 6:30 am. Doesn't she look happy???

From the back.

Doesn't the wig look great??

With Kaitlyn, one of school's Champion dancers

Waiting for the Feis to start at Akron.

Already for Cleveland.

PJ McGintry's

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Donation


Well I did it, I stepped out of my comfort zone and chopped my hair off.  It was for a wonderful cause though. I donated to locks of love. Locks of love provides wigs to young women under the age of 21 who suffer conditions like alopecia |ËŒaləˈpÄ“SH(Ä“)É™|
nounMedicinethe partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows; baldness.So I figured that I could step out of my comfort zone to make some little girl happy. I had it done at Great Clips in Huntersville, Nc on Sam Furr Rd at exit 25. Great Clpis will cut your hair for free if you donate. They do have rules for donating. You have to be able to donate 10" or more, and your hair cannot be bleached. Having color is okay, I am 40 something and Vanity is my sin, I color my grays right our of my hair. It was a pleasant experience. I did this once before 2 years ago. Though I loved my first cut, my comfort zone got the better of me and I grew it back out. The first cut the girl cut it up to my jaw. TOO short for Kimmie!!! It was a nice cut though. Even though logically I knew I was doing a good thing, I was having anxiety over losing my hair right to the very first snip. Well thank the lord for Thom. He was my stylist for this donation. He had everything a women loves, he made me laugh, he flattered me, fibbed and said my daughter Kady who is 25 and came along to be the photographer looked like my sister. He was awesome. He also gave me a fabulous haircut that I still am smiling about. GO THOM!!!! I have picture of the donation I'd like to share. I also hope I inspire others to go donate, put a smile on a young girls face, give her back her confidence. That made stepping outside my comfort zone worth every hair.  Please share your thought about my new do. I'd love to hear from you. Let's start a movement, let's start sending locks of love enough hair to make 100 wigs in 3 months. Wouldn't that be awesome. Making 100 or mor young women happy, confident and establishing self - esteem. Join me, jump on the donation bandwagon.I took pictures to share with you. If you donate please come back and share you pics with me and my readers. Have a blessed day.
At home right before leaving on the Donation . I'm very nervous at this moment

Last moments of my long Hair, having fun with Gidget at The Village Store in Davidson,NC
Last Moments of long Hair, Having fun with Gidget,at The Village Store in Davidson,NC
Having Fun with Gidget at The Village Store in Davidson,NC
Trying not to run out the door.

This is Thom, he is AWESOME!!!

No Turning back now.

SNIP, SNIP!!! Look at my granddaughter watching intently in the backround.

Add caption

My 12" PonyTail for donation. I'm now over my anxiety and very happy I made this decision.

Is there an organization for Mustacheless men???

The end result. Looks awesome doesn;t it. I am a happy customer.  Thom you ROCK!!!
He will be the only one cutting my hair from now on.
 I Hope you enjoyed my Donation experience. Hoping as well that this finds you and your well.
God Bless,